


「ジャにのちゃんねる」はチャンネル登録者数 3,540,000人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。



 ジャにのちゃんねる   二宮和也(嵐)  


  • 浮所くんもっと見たかった!
  • トモダチゲーム、めっちゃ面白かったです!!!続編希望です!
  • ノベル様かっこよかったです
  • このチャンネルでは、1番年下の風磨が、後輩と絡んでるの見るの新鮮✨
  • ドラマ見る度思ってたんだけど浮所って子、平野紫耀に似てる
  • ノベル様ビジュアルでの風磨くんドアップ嬉しいありがとうございます謎めいたノベル様を主役にしたドラマを見たい
  • ドラマ撮影中の盗撮!?映像の浮所くんが真剣でカッコ良くて、撮影じゃない時の浮所くんが可愛いギャップ♡ありがとう♡♡
  • 南極大陸で坊主になったの11年前なのに未だにふまけんに坊主(だと思われてる)イジりされる井上瑞稀くん。
  • 卍こと、風磨くん、ドラマお疲れ様でした。これからも風磨くんのご活躍を楽しみにしてます。ニノさん、中丸くん、山田くん、風磨くん、4人揃っての動画を楽しみに待ってます。季節の変わり目、みなさん、お身体に気をつけてください。
  • 浮所くんは相葉くんと勝利くんがお世話になっている後輩でVS魂で共演しています
  • 菊池パイセンに可愛がれられてる井上瑞稀さん、久しぶりに後輩感出てて凄い良かった。歴も長いし仲良しなんですかね??それにやっと憧れの先輩が山田くんって言えて良かったね!!そんな山田くんの推しはHiHi Jetsの髙橋優斗さんだけどね!!笑菊池パイセン、撮影で忙しい中、Jrのことを気にかけてくれて、そして宣伝させてくれて本当にありがとうございます!!!じゃにののファンの方に少しでもジャニーズJrを覚えてもらえたら嬉しいです!!!!!
  • I wrote an English translation so that English-speaking people can also enjoy it ;)sorry if the translation is wrong ~~~~~~0:01Fuma: I was about to get angry0:10 Fuma: Stop it, stop it. It’s scary.0:21 Fuma: Run away0:31Fuma: Hello, everyone.I’m Fuma from Janino channel.By the way, I infiltrated the drama "Friend Game R4" scene in which I'm appearing.There are 3member, Mizuki Inoue of HiHi Jets, Ukisyo Hidaka, Sato Ryuga of Bisyonen.I’m gonna talk to them, and show you behind the scenes.1:21 Fuma: It’s behind the stage set.There are members beyond this point.I might see them If it peeps out.There is someone. I can’t see.I can’t open the door because the shoot is testing right now. interruptedI open the door, so it’s interrupted.There is Ukisyo.Staff: Let’s get startedFuma: Oh, shit. run away. It's dangerous, I was about to get angry.Shooting is started. run awayFuma: You guys don’t speak anythingMizuki,Ryuga: No,no no. we talkFuma: I’ve never seen you guys talk, Other cast members were talking.Mizuki: We are really close. We’ll finish this shooting.Fuma That was like a hospital waiting room, everyone wearing masks.Fuma: trulyMizuki: It just happened. Fuma was seeing this situation by chance.Fuma: For real?Ryuga: true.Mizuki: We were talking a lot before you are coming.Mizuki: I feel nervous you came because you are a senior.Fuma: When I arrived, everyone was scattered.Mizuki: I feel nervous you came because you are a senior.Fuma: ShhhFuma: you don’t play the fool during the shooting test.Mizuki: Fuma played the fool behind the camera.Fuma: you don’t play the fool during the shooting test.Fuma: You guys didn’t talk.Mizuki: Could I take a video of you?Ryuga: Fuma should be in the video.Fuma: Stop it, scary scaryMizuki: You played the fool now.Fuma: scary,scaryMizuki: stop it plsFuma: Mizuki is about to take the camera from the senior.Ryuga: Fuma should be in the video.Fuma: scary,scaryRuga: I think Fuma should show appearanceMizuki: Exactly.Fuma: I’m shooting a video. I'm peeping from the backside and voyeuring Ukisyo.You guys don't get along at all. The title of the drama is a friend game.Ryuga: We are close.Mizuki: Saying that makes us look like we're on bad terms.Fuma: I’m disappointedMizuki: We are closeFuma: As s fan of this drama.I thought they are get alongMizuki: we are close.Fuma: I thought so, but they don't talk at allMizuki: We talk a lotFuma: It was like a waiting roomMizuki: It just happened.Ryuga: It just happened.Fuma What do you usually do?Mizuki, Ryuga: A RiddleFuma: The adult doesn’t do a riddle. The shooting will start! be quiet.~ Fuma play the fool~Staff: stopeveryone: It’s not goodFuma: you have to stop playing the fool. You guys get yelled at.Mizuki: we get yelled at.Fuma: Okay!!Fuma: It’s a little break time, I heard Ryuga will play the role, so I’ll voyeuringIs it Ukisyo?omg,He must be Ukisyo. I’m shooting Ukisyo! Yes!I’m seeing Ukisyo between the doors.There is only Ukisyo. Where is Ryuga?( I found Ryuga. This is the real waiting room I mentioned earlier.)( They find me)Fuma: I can shoot them.Staff: Start(This is the real waiting room )( He finds me, timidly)Fuma: He was fiddling with his cell phone when people were acting hard. Thanks, I’ll publishMizuki: pls don’t do thatFuma: Everyone will watch this video.Mizuki: I didn't mean itFuma: He was fiddling with his cell phone when people were acting hard. I’ll publish,explain it.Mizuki: I was checking line using my phoneFuma: Let me show your phoneFuma: Which do you prefer to explain or apologize?Mizuki: Sorry about that.Fuma: Thanks.Fuma: you should focus on shooting( again Ukisyo)7:53~ Fuma acting now~( all done)I didn’t expect that I'd be acting surrounded by juniors. Thank you so much, Thanks foe everyone. I suppose I won’t see them.everyone: lolUkisyo: No no no. We can meet soon.I think you guys have a shoot until tomorrow, but please take care of yourself and do your best. Thank you so muchFuma: How fast did the shoot go today?Mizuki: about 3 hoursFuma: 3 hours?Mizuki: Yes, 3 hours.Ryuga: We were waiting for youFuma: ( can’t hear) sorry?Ryuga: We were waiting for youFuma: How fast did the shoot go today?Mizuki: Yes, 3 hours.Fuma: Sorry about that, Should I get a buzz cut?Mizuki: That's enough.(There was a time when Mizuki get a buzz cut.)Fuma: Let's get matchingMizuki: That’s enough that I was getting a buzz cut. This is my first time appearing on Janino Channel.Fuma: For real?Mizuki: The three members of HiHi Jets were appearing on Janino Channel. I couldn’t go, because I have to work another jobFuma: How about Bishonen?Ryuga: This is the first timeFuma: First time?Ryuga: YesMizuki, Ryuga: Nice to meet you.Fuma: Do you have something that you wanna tell members of Janino?Mizuki: My respecting person is YamadaFuma: What?Mizuki: Yamada was the reason I entered this companyFuma: For real?Mizuki: YesFume: I didn’t ask about that( He is strict )Fuma: IS that Yamada?Mizuki: YesFuma: Yamada has never gotten a buzz cut.Mizuki: no noFuma: You admired him and got a buzz cut, right?Mizuki: no-no. I got a buzz cut with a role. I don’t get a buzz cut in private.Fuma: Do you close to a member of Janino?Mizuki: I was dancing behind Arashi.Ukisyo: I’m sorry for the lateness.Fuma: Is this your first time appearing on Janino Channel?Ukisyo: It’s my first time, Thank you so much.Fuma: Promote this drama on this channel.3 guys: I appreciated itFuma: Thank you for participating during the shooting… finish3 guys: um?Fuma: Do you wanna say something? UkisyoUkisyo: I’m Hidaka Ukisyo of Bisyonen. Pls remember me. The highlight is the hot battle with Fuma.Fuma: Do you wanna say something? Ninomiya will watch this video.(noise)Fuma: Finish!
  • サムネ怖すぎる
  • 9:57からの浮所くんがめちゃくちゃ執事で最高です……皆さんドラマお疲れさまでした!!!
  • 瑞稀くんおどおどしてるけどめっちゃ喋る笑 HiHi Jetsだね笑笑
  • 浮所佐藤井上の3人見れるのも嬉しい!撮影お疲れ様でした〜私的1番可愛いと思ったとこは、少し映る実物のマナブ。ちょーかわいい。
  • おどおどしてる瑞稀くんもかわいい、
  • 翔くんイズムのどうも僕です
  • ドラマの裏側シリーズ化して欲しい!ドラマ大好きだから



