「ココリコチャンネル」が新しいYouTube動画「遠藤さん(hohohoi)の通訳で六本木を街ブラ To walk around Roppongi with Mr.Endos (hohohoi) interpretation.」を投稿しました!

遠藤さん(hohohoi)の通訳で六本木を街ブラ To walk around Roppongi with Mr.Endos (hohohoi) interpretation.

ココリコの運営するYouTubeチャンネル「ココリコチャンネル」が新しい動画「遠藤さん(hohohoi)の通訳で六本木を街ブラ To walk around Roppongi with Mr.Endos (hohohoi) interpretation.」を投稿しました!

「ココリコチャンネル」はチャンネル登録者数 16,100人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。


遠藤さん(hohohoi)の通訳で六本木を街ブラ To walk around Roppongi with Mr.Endos (hohohoi) interpretation.

 ココリコチャンネル   ココリコ  


  • Tanaka needs to try translating if he thinks its so easy
  • Thank you, Endo for suffering for our entertainment. Very funny!
  • I never been to Japan so I appreciate the tour. This is great! Thank you!
  • hello
  • この翻訳シリーズ大好き
  • Thank you for your efforts, Mr.Hohohoi
  • My friends and I watched this only minutes after it came out and we loved it! Thank you, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Hohohoi.
  • TANAKA: the shop is busy because there are many customers.Endo translation: Easy easy
  • Gentlemen, you spoil us! Thanks for yet another fantastic video for us world people!
  • Time for Tanaka-san to show his English skills too! Love from India
  • very very good translate endo san, thank you
  • Endo-san eigo jouzu!! Best Tokyo tour guide. Thank you!
  • I LOVE these videos! Based on Mr. Tanaka's reaction, I suspect his English is a little better than Mr. Hohohoi's, but I've been pleasantly surprised by how much Mr. Hohohoi does know! I would love to have Cocorico as my tour guides.
  • the subtitle is super funny !
  • Hohohoi-san English School project
  • Tanaka-san on the outside Tanaka-san on the inside
  • If they keep doing this, Mr. Endo will start speaking perfect English before the next summer.
  • ハハハ、このシリーズやばい。I hope his English guide could be of some help for those who are planning to travel in Tokyo...
  • 遠藤さん通訳シリーズキター‼️‼️‼️‼️何回も笑うやつ
  • Endo-san as translator is one of 2022's great treasures. I'm in tears.



