「Yusaku Maezawa【MZ】」が新しいYouTube動画「【8 crew members wanted】dearMoon – Special Message from MZ & Elon」を投稿しました!

【8 crew members wanted】dearMoon –  Special Message from MZ & Elon

前澤友作の運営するYouTubeチャンネル「Yusaku Maezawa【MZ】」が新しい動画「【8 crew members wanted】dearMoon – Special Message from MZ & Elon」を投稿しました!

「Yusaku Maezawa【MZ】」はチャンネル登録者数 572,000人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。


【8 crew members wanted】dearMoon – Special Message from MZ & Elon

 Yusaku Maezawa【MZ】   前澤友作  


  • Sign me up!
  • Annem beni göndermez ama şansımızı deneyelim gene de I’d like to be there
  • Dear Yusaku ;I've always had an interest and curiosity in space all my life. I think this interest started at the age of 2 or 3 and it is still an ongoing love. I want to be a doctor and dedicate my life to saving people's lives. Therefore, I am currently preparing for the university exam. I do not do any kind of art as you wish. But if we consider what surgeons do as an art, I am actually on the way to becoming an artist. I would be very happy to be among the people you would take with you. My specialty that I could put myself in the forefront was that I was seriously interested in space, even though I wanted to be a doctor. I hope I can win and, for the sake of a vision, we can embark on an adventure with you and other people of your choice that we will not forget until the end of our lives ...
  • Yusaku san! I'm student and just 19 years old. I will go to the space bein most youngest human in the future. why not? But first ı should learn english more than better :D:D:D
  • I would like to join
  • Привет. Я студент из Турции, учащийся в России на инженер-физика ( ядерщика ). Мы исследуем самые маленькие частицы мира. Хочу и наоборот увидеть самые большие частицы , планеты Вселенной и их сравнить Очень хотел бы быть вашим попутчиком!
  • As someone who is going for a computer engineering degree in Houston TX, I have been influenced by space all my life simply by having it in my backyard. I signed up and I hope that this trip transforms the crew for the better. As Bob Cabana said to many first time fliers in O&C before shuttle flights"Make some memories, look out a window, what you're doing is going to transform you."
  • What a dream come true it would be.
  • Take me to the moon as a first civilian woman, nurse, teacher and a mother to inspire the world! Please pick Ozlem Getz,RN
  • That would be so close to my dream come true. (Stepping foot on the moon)My LEGO building is alright and my drawing is not amazing.But in the end I probably won’t be picked.
  • It makes me very happy to imagine what it would be like to see the earth from the outside.
  • Can I go if I'm under 18? :( (please)
  • PLEASE TAKE ME!!! I'll be out of high school by then.
  • totalmente inspirador y hermoso. ✨
  • Tabiki bende gitmek isterim.
  • I am very ideal for this journey because I have no expectations from this world anymore :(
  • Please take you one of main Flat Earther so that we can put full stop to this bullshit once and forever
  • Elon is wearing a t-shirt that looks familiar.
  • Let’s go to the MOON
  • Gökyüzü her zaman beni cezbetmiştir. Fotoğraflarda görüp fotoğraflarını çekmek ama yakından görmek harika muhteşem birşey olur !Beni de listeye yazın LÜTFEN



出典:Yusaku Maezawa【MZ】
