「メンタリスト DaiGo」が新しいYouTube動画「筋トレの効果を最大化するベストな休憩時間とは?」を投稿しました!


メンタリストDaiGoの運営するYouTubeチャンネル「メンタリスト DaiGo」が新しい動画「筋トレの効果を最大化するベストな休憩時間とは?」を投稿しました!

「メンタリスト DaiGo」はチャンネル登録者数 2,350,000人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。



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  • ⬇️今なら20日間無料⬇️・人生を変える体脂肪率操作の科学・人生変わる瞑想入門2.0〜瞑想がもたらす31の効果こちらから→https://daigovideolab.jp/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=official&utm_content=TzrrUvSHQmg
  • Title: What's the best time for an interval between short, full-on workouts?Simple Summary:3 minutes(according to the research). If we take just 1 minute break/interval, our muscles would still be tired, and we likely won't be able to do the same workout.From taking 2 minutes, the break starts to get effective. However, if we take 5 minutes of break, our muscles would be cooled down, that's an ineffective interval.He suggests doing meditation while taking those 3 minutes of break. Meditation gets more effective if we do them after exercising.Another suggestion is that working out with other parts of your body, if we wish to use time in more efficient way.On the other note, if we wish to keep our arms thin or make them thin, we should workout with heavy weights, with small quantity.If we wish to make them thicker, we should work out with small weights with large quantity.Plus, we shouldn't take alcohols on the day we worked out, it disturbs the growth of the mucles.



出典:メンタリスト DaiGo
