「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」が新しいYouTube動画「Maria Ozawa | Q&A: Are you really going back to the AV Industry?」を投稿しました!

Maria Ozawa | Q&A: Are you really going back to the AV Industry?

小澤マリアの運営するYouTubeチャンネル「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」が新しい動画「Maria Ozawa | Q&A: Are you really going back to the AV Industry?」を投稿しました!

「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」はチャンネル登録者数 83,300人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。


Maria Ozawa | Q&A: Are you really going back to the AV Industry?

 MARIA OZAWA【Official】   小澤マリア  


  • sis playing again tho adult films
  • Wag ka na bumalik maria napaka ok na yung maria ngayon enjoy mo na lang yung life, graduate na kameng mga napasaya mo noon at sapat na samen yon wag na babalik lods mag family ka na po.
  • miyabi
  • goodluck and more blessing and business success.. how can you be fluent in english?
  • dont go back
  • たこ焼き
  • オクトパス
  • Please nooo,,,sudah terlalu tua hahahaha
  • Please don't go back to AV Maria san! Thats not good for you. u're better invest your money to many Factory or bussines.
  • Pretty as always :)
  • Sub indo
  • Any plans to do any other type of modeling work or gravure work.
  • Hai maria-san, do you like it football?
  • Hy aunty Maria Ozawa ,, i❤️u
  • Please, make collaboration with AV artists in your age
  • Respect ur decision. Really happi for you. Love u so much
  • I fans maria ozawa from Indonesia
  • My male side says "Yes, start again doing that! You were simply the best!!!" but than my rational side says "It would be really important for Your future to build something that will last for the next decades and I don't suppose that AV actress is something like that. Maybe it is, probably no. You have to think also to Your general well-being and not just to money".In any case I would support Your mental well-being if needed and give You energy and warmness. I admired You SO much and I still admire You as a strong, unconventional woman.In the past I wondered: why Quentin Tarantino didn't call You at least for a cameo on one of his movies?? You would probably be perfect for a role on one of his flicks! You were (and still are) very popular too! Why Quentin, WHY!???I really hope that my Queen Maria will read this. I am such a big fan of Yours my sweet, sexy, Angel.Kisses from Korea. ❤❤❤
  • Warga +62 bnyk bgt yg muncul di komen, wkwk
  • Don't go back Maria. Because is sinned.



出典:MARIA OZAWA【Official】
