「tiny channel by rina」が新しいYouTube動画「【大人雑談】控え室でこっそりカメラ回したら予想外の展開に」を投稿しました!

RINA(SCANDAL)の運営するYouTubeチャンネル「tiny channel by rina」が新しい動画「【大人雑談】控え室でこっそりカメラ回したら予想外の展開に」を投稿しました!

「tiny channel by rina」はチャンネル登録者数 59,300人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。




 tiny channel by rina   RINA(SCANDAL)  


  • Zepp福岡ライブ行きましたよライブは一年ぶりだけど、声出しは四年ぶりでした最高でした
  • 更新嬉しい
  • マナティーかわいいSCANDALは今でもちゃんと儚いので大丈夫ですよ笑久々に動画見れて嬉しいです福岡のサイン会行きたかったなぁ次のライブ先行、羽田応募しました当たりますように♡
  • サイン会行けて幸せでした!素敵な時間をありがとうございます!!☺
  • ツアーもサイン会も行きました!ツアーは最前列サイン会ではあんなに喋れて幸せでした!猪狩さんの話しをしたら「ビジネス彼氏だから!」って言っててめちゃウケましたw
  • りなちゃんサイン会お疲れ様でした楽屋でのゆるゆるトークとおもいや内容が凄く濃いトークで‥こういうの配信してくれるの嬉しいです✨SCANDALが高校生からやってこられてるのはこういう所なんだなって改めて思いました!!本当にSCANDALを続けてきてくれてありがとうございます
  • 動画投稿ありがとうございます!隠し撮り?の自然な会話の感じがまた新鮮(^o^)17周年止まらずに走り続けてるのも凄いけど、何より4人の結束力が凄いなあと思うしそれをみてるとこっちまでHappyな気持ちになる。この間のdateFMのMAMIさん一人会の3人のメッセージがそれぞれ性格が出ててめちゃ面白かったですがその中で気遣いとかリスペクトがあってああやっぱりSCANDALいいなって思いました。先日大阪のサイン会に参加しました。こちらの話にRINAさんが「あれな〜、・・・」って普通に返してくれてるのがすごい不思議な感じがして、帰り道思い出してずっとニヤけてました。(まわりから絶対変なやつと思われてた)前日お昼に仕事を抜けて行ったらすごい行列でぎりぎり整理券貰えてラッキーでした。週末の個展頑張ってください。日曜日にうかがう予定なので楽しみです♪
  • UUツアー、大阪→仙台→福岡→東京と参加しました!!九州は人生2度目で、大人になってからは初めてでした!福岡めちゃめちゃいいところでした☺️サイン会は14日の渋谷だけ参加できました!すごく緊張するし幸せすぎるしでやばかったです週末の個展楽しみですー!!
  • 7月にここブラジルでSCANDALに会えるのを楽しみにしています、素晴らしいものになるでしょう!TOKYO ISLAND 2023にも行きます。生まれて初めてSCANDALに会えるのですごく嬉しかったです、楽しみです!
  • 今TVでバンドマンが「年齢ではなく優しい人はバンギャ、優しくない人はおバンギャ」って言ってたんだけど、斬新だしとてもいい案だと思う
  • 動画待ってましたああ!ゆるトークかと思いきや割かしガチトークでしたが楽しく聞けました。
  • 17年も続けてくださってありがとうございます!サイン会で直接応援の気持ちを伝えられて良かったです!またこんな神イベント期待してます!
  • As always, we'll be posting English subs soon (link will be in our bio)! :) For now, we'll change things up a bit and post a summary of the video first! - The video features RINA in Fukuoka in early May when she went to do media promo there + her individual signing event for SCANDAL's latest single "Line of sight." - She says she's really happy she got to come back to Fukuoka so soon after performing there on tour. Although she's been to this city so many times, she still loves it. - She mentions the promo + signing event, and that these are the band's very first signing events in Japan. She says it feels fresh and is a lot of fun. - She talks about how each member has a staff member with them. The staffer that's with her today is a very young man from their record label, whose nickname is Manatee. She goes, "He's so adorable!" - Before she can say anything more, there's a knock at the door. It's the aforementioned Manatee delivering a drink + snacks to her. She says she's recording a YouTube video. He goes, "Wow, you're working hard!" She says she was just talking about him, and that this trip's been an interesting one so far. Another staffer is there as well, though it's not mentioned who it is. - The text on the screen says that he bought a lot of Kyuushu area-exclusive snacks. RINA says that these snacks look like ones that the other SCANDAL members would like. - RINA asks if he feels like he's part of their "her" imprint label. He says yes. RINA goes, "Really?" He then asks her what their "her" label means. RINA explains that at first they weren't sure what direction they should go in, and had no idea what to name their imprint either. But they began thinking of how being an all-girl band is something that they really cherish, so the name would definitely have to do something with that. They thought that going with a word that would make you think of women just by hearing it would be good, and that alone is how they decided on "her." She also says that the letters the word comprises of look cute as well. - He says that all-girl bands can sometimes be looked down on, but RINA says that that doesn't bother them at all. She also says that the number of all-girl bands have grown quite a bit recently. He agrees and says that there are a lot of them that are made up young girls. - He then says that continuing to be a band is quite difficult to do. RINA says that there's also something cool about those who aren't around for a long time. He goes, "There's nothing fleeting about SCANDAL now, is there?", which makes RINA laugh and go, "This is embarrassing!" - SCANDAL's 17th anniversary is brought up and he mentions how RINA's been in the band for half of her life now. RINA says that it's been a little more than that since the band started when she was 15 years old (she's turning 32 this year). She explains that she was invited to join when she was 14, and the day the band officially formed happened to be on her birthday. The other staffer there says that August 21st this year is not only SCANDAL's 17th anniversary but also RINA's birthday. She says that she thinks of that day as of being more their formation day rather than her birthday. They mention that the band always has an event on her birthday. RINA laughs and says that her birthday always ends with her feeling tense. - RINA is asked if she was always supposed to be the drummer from the start. She says that the open position was for the drums, which she was fine with, and when she met the other three members, she really felt like she wanted to be in a band with them. She says that the members took priority [rather than what her position in the band would be]. - Manatee says that they're totally different now compared to when they started out, which is interesting. RINA agrees that it's interesting. He then says that they still perform old songs, though there's a huge difference between then and now. RINA says and laughs that they had been a band without knowing what they were doing for a while--she had been a middle schooler when they started, after all. - She then mentions how she currently has a little sister who's a first-year high schooler, and that she has four other siblings (RINA's the oldest). RINA says that SCANDAL had their major debut when she was in her second year of high school, so it's crazy to think about how many years have passed since then. Manatee says that she must think of her sister like her own child. RINA says yes, and that she thinks mothers are quite amazing people. To agree to suddenly let their child move to Tokyo takes a lot of courage (like her own mother did). - Manatee says while laughing that RINA suddenly just had a job, and RINA mentions how she never even had a part-time job before this. She's asked if she's the only band member who didn't. RINA says that TOMO didn't have one either. She says that she still wishes that she did have that kind of experience. She's asked if she's ever had a part-time job in secret. RINA says no, and that she has a lot of respect for those who do have more typical occupations; she says that she doesn't think she could do that. This part 1 of the summary, up until around 9 minutes in. We'll post the rest of the summary in a few hours! :)
  • so cute
  • Nice video
  • メンバー4人だけでなくスタッフの皆さんも含めて同じ気持ち、方向を向いているから、ここまで長く続けられてるんだろうなというのが伝わってきました。少しでも長く続けて欲しいなとという気持ちと、他の幸せを選択することを否定したくない気持ちがあって、活動休止したとしても気力と体力次第では再開する可能性もあるということを聞けて、ただただ嬉しいです。難しいことは分かってるけど、りなちゃんの口から聞けて大歓喜です、ありがとうございます!
  • SCANDALのCDをいつも購入して部屋の中や車の運転中に聞いている自分としてはサブスクよりもCDリリースが嬉しいですSCANDALがデビューしてからずっとSCANDALの音楽を聴いてきて思うのはメンバー4人が尊敬しあいながらその時々に自分達のやりたい音楽をやっているからこそこれだけ長く続けてこれたと思います☺️デビューした時は制服で演奏してたけど今はメンバー4人大人っぽい所と可愛い部分が共存してて凄くいいなと思います☺️これからもずっとSCANDALファンです
  • RINAさんお疲れさまでした LOSのCDがイギリスに届いたので、本当にうれしいですツアー開催おめでとうございます10月に東京に行くので、その時にSCANDALを見れたらいいなと思います
  • ゆるっとトークと思ってたら深かったサイン会も会える機会作ってもらって大感謝でした!!これからも何をするにしても奇跡のバンドやと思ってるので、SCANDALの活動の全てが尊いし刮目してたいといった気持ちです!ツアーも未だに思い出すと幸せだったなぁーと名古屋初日泣いちゃったは共感する人多いかと!!笑8.21もお祝いに行けるのが今のモチベです!いつもありがとうございます!



出典:tiny channel by rina
