「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」が新しいYouTube動画「Maria Ozawa | Lets Learn Japanese Proverbs! ことわざ」を投稿しました!

Maria Ozawa | Lets Learn Japanese Proverbs! ことわざ

小澤マリアの運営するYouTubeチャンネル「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」が新しい動画「Maria Ozawa | Lets Learn Japanese Proverbs! ことわざ」を投稿しました!

「MARIA OZAWA【Official】」はチャンネル登録者数 83,300人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。


Maria Ozawa | Lets Learn Japanese Proverbs! ことわざ

 MARIA OZAWA【Official】   小澤マリア  


  • Make more videos like this I would love to learn Japanese
  • I hope, i can Japanese language.
  • Really love it.
  • ❤❤❤
  • thank you for the knowledge you share, i really appreciate it
  • Wow! I love this content!
  • "Learn Japanese with Maria Ozawa" please make this a series (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
  • love from indonesia
  • pls honey, teach us from the very beginning, phonetics . thanks, what does this mean? 一条一希。
  • I love you mo
  • Brain and beauty
  • May i call you mother
  • “One Good deed a Day” wow that’s nice, i love it❤️Allah says : “If you do good (it means) you are doing good for yourself. And if you do evil, ( you do it ) for yourself.” [QS Al-Israa 17:7]“And do a good. Certainly, Allah loves those who do good.” [QS Al-Baqarah 2:195]“Indeed, Allah's mercy is very close to those who do good. “[ QS Al-Araf 7:56 ]“Whoever earns a good deed, We will increase it in goodness for them. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative.” [ QS Asy - Syura 42:23 ]
  • Thanks Maria! That was fun and educational. :)
  • Bu guru kok gak ngajarin biologi saja .
  • Can you speak Indonesia please Japanese learn me
  • Konten belajar bahasa jepang aja
  • Beautiful 先生
  • You can consider becoming an English teacher in the future Maria!
  • Hi Maria Ozawa Semoga Sehat Selalu.. Sory Saya Tidak Bisa Bahasa Japan Dan Inggris Yang Dari Indonesia Mana Suaranya ,,



出典:MARIA OZAWA【Official】
