「茂木健一郎の脳の教養チャンネル」が新しいYouTube動画「秋の気配だ! #もぎけんのユーチューブライブ」を投稿しました!

茂木健一郎の運営するYouTubeチャンネル「茂木健一郎の脳の教養チャンネル」が新しい動画「秋の気配だ! #もぎけんのユーチューブライブ」を投稿しました!
「茂木健一郎の脳の教養チャンネル」はチャンネル登録者数 89,800人の人気YouTubeチャンネル。
秋の気配だ! #もぎけんのユーチューブライブ
茂木健一郎の脳の教養チャンネル 茂木健一郎
- Dr. Mogi, I resonate with your live comments. Today, we travel across the world both physically and virtually. However, some people in Japan still cling to an "insider vs. outsider" mentality, viewing Japan as the "inside" and the world as the "outside." It bothers me when people question my life in the U.S. or my use of English, labeling it as "Gaikoku-kabure." At the same time, I’ve faced harassment in the U.S., being told to "go back to China," despite being Japanese. Over time, I’ve learned not to let such rude comments affect me, as I choose not to engage with those who bring negativity into my life.I’d love to join your live stream again soon and ask more thoughtful questions. Most of the stress in life often comes from interactions with people, even friends or families.On a different note, I'm glad the LDP finally chose Prime Minister Ishiba. With the Democratic Party (Harris) gaining more votes than the Republican Party (Trump) in the U.S., it seems that change is on the horizon. The LDP, being a longstanding puppet master in Japanese politics, was shaped by figures like Kishi, Abe, Aso, and Sasakawa, many of whom had been war criminals and the CIA agents after WWII. Even the Meiji Restoration was influenced by Britain to secure control over Japan. Tragedy is that Japanese don't believe they are controlled. We are made fun of being obedient after gave everything to the Western World. How we could re-gain our independence both mentally, and culturally as the original Japanese (from Jomon to Edo period)