Yu Hayami Channel
チャンネル登録者数 22,600人
早見 優は、日本の歌手、タレント。上智大学比較文化学部日本文化学科卒業。所属事務所はキープスマイリング。血液型はA型Rh+。実父はジャズシンガーの井上 良。(出典:ウィキペディア)
- チャンネル名
- Yu Hayami Channel
Yu Hayami Channel is founded by Yu Hayami herself. Yu debut as a pop idol in the 80's. She was born in Japan and raised in Guam and Hawaii. Yu is bilingual and bicultural, which has led her to be a unique artist in her day. In this channel, you will find her sharing her passions on various topics, such as cooking, keeping fit while dancing, and meeting up with people she loves! You can also find Yu's new singles and albums when she releases them! (出典:Yu Hayami Channel)
- 運営者
- 早見優/俳優, 歌手
- 公開日時
- 2021年11月04日 14:37
- 登録者数
- 22,600人 先週とほぼ変わらず
- 投稿動画数
- 171本
- 総視聴回数
- 3,859,727回